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#posts 19
Goodbye for Now to My First Father
Once upon a time my name was Crystal Canterberry, and my heart never forgot him. I had just a couple memories of him from childhood and didn't think I'd ever see him or talk to him again, but 6 years ago we reconnected through Facebook. We met again in person...
2018 in Review
I haven't posted here in ages, but I believe in second (OK, and fourth and twentieth) chances. Besides, I can't think of a better way to dust off my old blog than with a slideshow that took hours to create. I'm pretty impressed with myself for whittling down...
Hello Out There
Well, hello there! For multiple reasons, I haven't written on my personal blog since shortly after the devastating death of a dear friend and pastor figure in our lives. Every time I log into my blog, I see the picture of his beautiful family and start thinking...
Like Mike
The Shroyer FamilySome friends may remember a blog I wrote two years ago about why we were doing something called "Cre8" instead of going to a "regular church." I named several things I felt drawn to about Cre8, but it was awkward and messy, too. What it...
Five Days of Gratitude
A long time ago, I started working on my list of 1,000 things for which I'm grateful after reading the wonderful Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. I admit that I haven't cracked open that notebook in a while and never made it past about 300, but I do...
Happy Mothers' Day
As I reflect on the privilege and honor of being a mom, many thoughts and emotions race in my mind and well up in my heart. Chief among them: There is no such thing as a perfect mom, so motherhood comes with lots of questioning, second guessing, guilt, and...
Crystal's Christmas Chronicle: 2013
Here we are, just a few days before Christmas, and I finally have time to sit down and jot some thoughts about the year. I know these days few people have little time to sit and read Christmas newsletters, and even fewer have time to write them, but I am one...
Life Lessons from Death
I haven't had a lot of first-hand experience with death, so I don't feel at all qualified to write about it. Yesterday we lost our beloved family dog, and I know that losing a pet isn't anything like losing a person. Except, it is. And when something profound...
Pictures and Words
I love photographs as much as I love words. The two complement each other so well, and yet they can also stand alone and sometimes should remain independent. I certainly agree that a picture can be worth a thousand words, although I would add that likewise...
The World Revolves Around What?
Have you ever thought about the terminology we use for the sun? As a homeschool mom, I am asked to explain every word that comes out of my mouth, and that can get pretty interesting when little ones first start to understand how the solar system works.Why...
Breaking the Chains: Insecurity
My 3-year-old is playing a game on my iPad, and his brothers have come to watch. "I'm good at this game!" he announces confidently. With barely a pause between, the next words out of his mouth are a question: "Am I good at this game?"Lately he likes to assert...
Finding Treasure in the Trash
Although I try to maintain a positive perspective, I'm not always someone to look for the silver lining. Sometimes, though, it is so obvious that it almost blinds me with its glare. Such was the case when I somehow lost myself in cleaning out part of the attic...
A Year in the Life
I didn't send out Christmas cards or write a Christmas newsletter for 2012. I vacillated between feeling liberated from spending the time and money required to send out a few hundred holiday greetings and feeling guilty for not participating in a tradition...
Advice: Who Needs It?
Is it just me, or does the tendency not to want to take advice from others start way too young?I have always struggled to take constructive criticism, advice, or counsel well. I immediately become self-defensive and start justifying myself, blame-shifting,...
Top 10 Reasons Homeschooling is Easier
Right off the bat, I need to say that in no way am I ever going to pretend homeschooling is easy -- no more than I'll pretend parenting, running a business while raising small children, and being a disciple of Jesus are easy endeavors. I'm just saying that,...