Have you ever thought about the terminology we use for the sun? As a homeschool mom, I am asked to explain every word that comes out of my mouth, and that can get pretty interesting when little ones first start to understand how the solar system works.
Why do we say the sun rises and sets instead of saying our side of the earth is beginning to face toward or away from the sun? Why do we say the sun comes up or goes down even though it always stays in the same place? Why do we say the sun is behind the clouds instead of saying that the clouds are in front of the sun? Why do we call it "the sun" instead of "our star?" Why do we say that the sun is shining more some days than others when it is actually shining the same way all the time? And why do we say that the moon is shining if it really has no light of its own but only reflects the light of the sun?
Well, that's just human nature. Although we know that we revolve around the sun and not the other way around, this planet is our point of reference. Sure, we've known for centuries that the earth revolves around the sun, but old terminology dies hard (not to mention that saying "What a lovely view we have as we begin to turn away from the sun this evening" is terribly cumbersome, especially in comparison to "What a lovely sunset!")
I am 36 years old. My eyes were opened wide long ago to the vastness of the world and the fact that my life is barely a speck here. I traveled to the Philippines when I was 14, Tanzania when I was 18 (and again when I was 25), Mexico at 19, Europe at 22 . . . on each trip and many times since I have been struck with how very many people populate the Earth and how small my life is. Yet when I am honest, I have to say that on a day-to-day basis, I forget that that the world does not revolve around me. I am the center of my universe more than I care to admit.
I try to help my children understand how big our world is, how not everyone believes what we believe and most people do not have even a small fraction of what we have, but if I shun those who are different and keep striving to acquire more stuff, my words mean nothing. I tell my children that we must watch out for others who are hurting or are in need and leave God room to work through us to reach out to others, but if I live like everything and everyone must work according to my plans, my schedule, and my expectations, I am showing them that I must be in control and that anything less is unacceptable.
Will I stop the insanity, stop trying to control, stop acting as if everything revolves around me in time? Will I truly make the Son my center in deed and not just in word? Will I be able to show His love to those He places in my path, or will I barrel on past with my to-do list in hand and my agenda in mind? My life is but a vapor, but I don't have to do something big and significant to make a big and significant difference to one person. I don't have a lot to give, but if I give my best to my God and my family, the Great Multiplier will make it more than enough. And what freedom I find in living with eyes wide open to this vast, amazing world full of beautiful people He loves so much.
Like the moon, I have no light of my own. I have tried too hard to shine. It is time to stop pretending I have the strength to do that on my own. In my remaining days on this spinning world, may I live to reflect the Light -- in my home first, to any part of the world I have the chance to visit, and to every person I meet in between. Sun rise, sun set. Swiftly fly the years. It's never too late to make them count.