#posts 8
Lavender, How Do We Love Thee?
As a naturally soothing and calming essential oil, Lavender is one of dōTERRA's most popular and practical oils. Whether you need to soothe occasional skin irritation, ease feelings of tension, or promote restful sleep, Lavender oil has many helpful uses.*Taken...
Sensational Skin
Many people want to know how to take care of their skin effectively without harmful chemicals or harsh products. I've found great success for myself and my family using dōTERRA essential oils and products to support healthy skin.When working to maintain healthy,...
Helichrysum Highlight
Known as one of the best essential oils for skin, Helichrysum essential oil contains rejuvenating benefits that can help to promote a healthy-looking complexion. With molecular compounds that can help improve the appearance of skin, Helichrysum oil is a smart...
Winter Wellness
Winter brings holiday celebrations, cozy times inside with family members, and the pleasure of snuggling up with a great book. Depending on where you live, it can be a beautiful time of year, perhaps with pristine snow falling and making everything around...
Essential Skin Care
For eight years I touted the benefits of the skin care line I proudly sold, and I sincerely believed no one should have been using anything else because the ingredients in all of the world's other products simply weren't pure, safe, or beneficial enough. Once...