Neroli is a great oil to add to your collection, if you haven't already. It is steam-distilled from the small white flowers of the bitter orange tree found in Egypt and has a wide variety of uses, which means your whole family will benefit from it.

dōTERRA's Neroli, also known as Citrus x aurantium, is a cousin to Wild Orange and Petitgrain, and they are all harvested from the same bitter orange tree. Neroli comes from the flowers of the tree, which are delicate but provide us with a powerful tool for our homes.
According to research, Neroli promotes relaxation, uplifts mood, reduces anxious feelings, and promotes overall well-being. Applied topically, Neroli can be used to soothe skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Want to know more about this amazing essential oil? Check out this Spotlight on the dōTERRA website.
Here are a few things my customers and team members have to say about it:
I love it as a perfume! I apply down my sternum and on my wrists. So uplifting and makes me feel so feminine!
I absolutely love Neroli. I roll it on my face every morning & down my neck. It keeps my skin clear, has helped dark spots disappear, made winkles on my neck less visible, and, BONUS, has helped keep my emotions grounded. I really can tell a difference in my emotional state if I don't use it.
Upset stomach/GI issues! Neroli is great for intestinal inflammation, and I roll it on when I feel bloated or am having digestive issues.
Pretty excited to realize that my feet are not tingling this morning.
Last night before bed I applied Neroli to them.
Neroli helps to calm excitatory nerve impulses so it may help to calm her brain down before bed. This has worked for me before.

If you haven't started saving 25% with your own wholesale account from dōTERRA yet, I suggest this starter bundle, which includes one full year of savings, a beautiful book about all of the oils and products your family might need and how to use them, as well as lifetime education from me and my team on how to make the most of your health investment.
If you'd like to order any of the oils mentioned above at the retail (full price) value, simply click the link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase.
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If you have questions about products, membership, or building a business like I do with doTERRA, feel free to message me! I'm here to help.