Have you ever wanted to share essential oils with a nurse or doctor but felt intimidated or just didn't know how to get the conversation started? Perhaps you worked up the courage but felt as if you got shut down quickly. You're not alone, and this month's Clearly Essential business-focused educational webinar will likely enlighten and encourage you.
Often when people start to see great results from using essential oils and natural supplements, they would like to share their testimonials with their doctor or other medical professionals. Those of us who share dōTERRA's products to earn extra income or have built businesses to replace or exceed household income may have a desire to start a conversation about the scientific validity and verifiable benefits of our natural solutions with the healthcare professionals in our lives, whether friends, family members, or at our own doctors' visits.
Some Wellness Advocates are passionate about reaching out to doctors, nurses, and technicians and helping them learn how they can incorporate essential oils into their personal and professional lives. dōTERRA's owners, employees, and Wellness Advocates are on a mission, and in fact the company is already fulfilling the first four of our five objectives in the following mission statement:
"We at dōTERRA are committed to sharing the life-enhancing benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils and essential oil enhanced wellness products with the world. We will do this by:
Discovering and developing the world's highest-quality therapeutic-grade essential oil products through a leveraged network of highly-educated and experienced botanists, chemists, health scientists, and health care professionals.
Producing our essential oil products to the highest standard of quality, purity, and safety used in the industry–CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®.
Distributing our products through Independent Product Consultants who, working from home, introduce, educate, and sell dōTERRA wellness products locally through person-to-person contact and globally through personalized web shopping sites.
Providing educational opportunities for all people interested in learning how therapeutic-grade essential oils can be used as a self-care wellness alternative.
Bringing together healthcare professionals of traditional and alternative medicine to encourage further study and application of therapeutic-grade essential oils in modern health care practices."
Special attention is being given to this last bullet point, and dōTERRA is expanding its reach into allopathic care. Although sometimes it feels we have far to go, in fact we are already closing the gap between alternative and traditional medicine.
In order to help dōTERRA work toward its mission and be a part of this exciting shift, we can equip ourselves to have meaningful conversations with the medical professionals in our lives. Three Clearly Essential team members gathered to help take the mystery and fear out of this sometimes daunting prospect, and as medical professionals themselves, they also share their personal and professional experiences.
Our hope is that after watching this webinar, you'll feel more equipped and confident, whether you're a customer who wants to share your testimonial with your doctor or a Wellness Advocate who would like to be a part of helping even more healthcare professionals understand and embrace natural solutions.
to access the documents Dr. Suzanna Underwood referenced in the webinar. (Note that you may purchase the tear pads she mentioned for specific body systems and fields of study at Aromatools.com.)
Finally, as you share with doctors, nurses, chiropractors, dentists, physical therapists, and more, remember that you have a large team of dōTERRA scientists, doctors, and researchers standing behind you. You can send your contacts to sourcetoyou.com/healthcare and encourage them to connect with our company directly. Team members of dōTERRA's Medical Advisory Panel will be able to answer the tough questions and provide research and evidence to help your contacts learn more about essential oils and other natural alternatives.
We're on the edge of a breakthrough in the way people find wellness. Can you feel it? Are you ready?